Friday, August 10, 2007

Let my people go!

The ten plagues of Egypt have descended upon my backyard. They are a bit out of order and some have been modified to fit our modern times, but still the same, they have come.

First came the darkness over the land (to make the rest of the plagues all the scarier). Next came the locusts in droves (manifesting themselves as cicadas this time).
Then came the raccoons (perhaps in lieu of frogs or flies or lice).
All of these plagues were enacted upon Chad and me as we grilled out last night. I hate bugs, so I must say the cicadas were scarier than the raccoons. To make matters worse, I had to deal with not one, not two, but th-ree different bugs. That's right, I'm a hater, but it's cool, 'cuz I got it like that.


Becky said...

Jen: Where were the raccoons? Where did you take that picture?

Jennifer said...

The raccoons were under my deck (that's where I took the picture). Chad saw them scurry under there. Meanwhile, I was tucked safely in the house staring at the cicadas through the window and cursing them under my breath.