Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!

The entire state is a buzz about the massive amounts of snow we received. And for the first time in nine years, I get a snow day! I had every intention of going in to work until I learned that even the public transportation had shut down their services.

So far today, I have watched a couple hours of the news, made pancakes, and watched a movie. I just changed out of my pajamas at noon and have some potato soup simmering on the stove. Long live the snow day!

Welcome to the best snow day ever.


Becky said...

Haha, we have similar posts.

BUT, you had a snow day at UNI once. Sorry to bust your nine year bubble. :)

Jennifer said...

I don't think I had a snow day at UNI. I thought it was your freshman year that class was canceled.

Kelly Ruden said...

Did Principal close today or was it your own personal snow day?

Becky said...

Ooh, you could be right..bummer for me!

Lora said...

Welcome to the MOD

Jennifer said...

My own personal snow day! The buses weren't running -- that was my deciding factor.