Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another monkey act?

I like my bananas a little on the green side, which means their period of edibility for me is a bit short (No banana ever goes to waste, though. The refuse becomes banana bread!).

I read on Iowa Girl Eats that if you don't store bananas as a bunch, they ripen more slowly. So, I've been scattering my bananas all around my kitchen in hopes of keeping them greener longer. I don't know for certain if this actually works, but I do know for certain that it makes my house look like some monkeys broke in to mess with me...just like last year.

How many bananas can you find in this picture? Yes, I admit I staged one of the bananas for the purposes of this picture, but I did it for you, reader. I did it for you.

Also, please note that I did not make a Gwen Stefani reference in this post. Thank you.


Unknown said...

My eyes are not as young as they us to be and these bifocals are for the birds but I would say 4

Janelle said...

I think four.

But even though you break them apart, I don't think their distance from each other matters. You could probably put them all together. :)

Jennifer said...

Ok, Janelle. I'm going to try breaking them apart and storing them together. I thought spreading them all around my kitchen seemed a bit wrong.

Unknown said...

Anyone else think that that shot w/the bananas all over makes it look like it's a setup for a Donkey Kong game? :)