Monday, November 3, 2008

Guten Tag

Janelle tagged me. I now feel like I'm officially part of the blogging club!

Seven random things about me:
  1. I don't like it when people (ahem, siblings) touch my collarbone, or spine for that matter. My collarbone may protrude farther than any other collarbone you've seen in your life, but you should still resist touching it. I think my aversion to this is similar to others' dislike of fingernails on a chalkboard.
  2. More and more, I've discovered I like being at home. If not at my house, then at least in my city.
  3. Unless you catch me after a workout, which are far and few between these days, you will rarely see me in sweats. I just feel so much more confident in something a little more structured.
  4. I like a good literary nightcap. Although, I can't decide what I like better - that phrase or the actual act of reading before going to sleep.
  5. I'm a "psycho magnet." That's what one such "psycho" told me on the bus tonight. Last week, he had turned around and called to me, halfway across the bus, "Yoo-hoo!" This kind of stuff happens with alarming regularity. Must buy mace.
  6. I took some rocks from Machu Picchu back to the U.S. with me. I sometimes wonder if they are cursed like artifacts from the Egyptian pyramids. I doubt it, but my imagination can be quite vivid.
  7. I'd rather ask you questions than divulge my own details
And here's a random photo. My mom, sisters and me.


Janelle said...

I want to steal your literary nightcap phrase.

Becky said...

I will still poke your collarbone. :)