Monday, March 2, 2009

Do you doodle?

It's the doodle's day of reckoning! I just read an article from Time about a study that found doodling helps people pay attention. It requires just enough cognitive processes that it keeps people from daydreaming.

This is most excellent news for me, because I doodle a lot! And now, I've got science on my side to back up my hard and fast doodling ways.

I found these doodles on a sheet of scrap paper on my desk. I believe I originally started writing on this particular piece of paper to note how to treat wood rot. It evolved from there.


MsAmanda said...

if this was on facebook, i would give it a thumbs up.

Becky said...

I remember your school books always being covered in doodles too!

Becky said...

You should post about FHF. :)