Sunday, January 20, 2008

Et tu, garage door?

How many more things can act up this month? First the plumbing, then my car and now, the garage door. Late last night, it started to close, but then after about 18 inches, it would reverse. I checked the sensors, but nothing was blocking them, so I just ended up unplugging the opener and shutting the door by hand. I shoved some firewood under the door so it wouldn't close all the way.

Since none of my go-to handymen were around at midnight, I put my faith in the Internet. Yahoo! answered the call. The verdict: the extreme cold weather was to blame and increasing the downward pressure should fix the problem. I wasn't really able to test that theory though, because today's slightly warmer temps have the door working like a charm. I adjusted the pressure anyway, just in case.

Et tu, garage door?

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