Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Long live my meals

I don't mind cooking; it's just that it takes too much of my time. I've become very fond of large Sunday dinners that will produce enough leftovers to feed me through Thursday. Plus, it helps me practice portion control, since I'd hate to run out of a meal and actually have to cook on a weekday. :) This week, my meal is lasagna! Here's some of my other frequent dishes:
Any other meal suggestions are welcome. I don't cook a lot of meat (except chicken and ground beef) simply because I'm lazy like that. And I must have veggies, otherwise I feel all unbalanced.

Lasagna. Not my own, but it looks pretty darn close.

1 comment:

MsAmanda said...

I have a couple of good recipes for this (I'm the same way, but it usually only lasts for two or three extra meals at our house). One of them is lemon pasta with parmesan and veggies, another is pork chops and rice with tomatoes, onions and peppers. Also I have a yummy chicken scampi with lemon and tomatoes. Hmm, let me see if I can think of some others.